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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Reflection on Music Degree

During this degree I had two violin teachers. The first insisted on choosing the pieces that I would work on and later play in my exams, while the second let me choose the music. This is a very clear example of teacher centred and then learner centred. While with one teacher there was a good atmosphere for most of the time but occasionally terrible tension, the lessons with the other teacher always went smoothly and there was much enthusiasm on her part and on mine (DOL 1 and DOL 5, habits of mind).

Many of the subjects had a real purpose. I was able to pass on some of what I learned in my own lessons to my students, sometimes as immediate as the next day or week. When performing in public I had the opportunity to give to the community, and I have been using 'Sibelius' in my work extensively to write and arrange music for my students.

Finally I am extremely glad that I learned about computers. Without this knowledge, which is still quite limited, I don't think I would have been able to do this course.

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