Welcome to my E-journal

I invite you to be part of my journey which has its beginnings in the 1960s in Germany.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Blogs, Wikis and Vokis

Creating this blog was interesting, but it took me a very long time, again and again clicking on all the tabs and figuring out how to use the different features.

I didn't find setting up an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) aggregator as difficult as understanding the concept of one. Anyway, I think I do understand it now: we can use an aggregator such as google reader to notify us of new postings in other blogs that are of interest to us rather than going into each blog separately, thus saving a lot of time. It sounds simple now that I 'got it'.

I didn't consciously know what the word wiki meant even though I have consulted wikipedia on many occasions. Creating my own wiki was fun, but again, it was a process that took me a few hours. I found the videos in http://www.wikispaces.com/site/tour with their clear instructions very helpful.

Please feel free to have a look at my wiki at http://spaceexploring.wikispaces.com/.

What is the difference between a blog and a wiki? This is how I understand it:

A blog is a personal online journal which is accessible by others who are able to give feedback.

A wiki is a collaboration tool that is accessible by many and can be added to by the ones who have permission.

I am just about to attempt to add my freshly created voki to my blog. I wonder if it works.

So Glad I Can Talk

1 comment:

  1. hahaha, I love this dog! Maybe you can make your next voki play violin ;-)
