Welcome to my E-journal

I invite you to be part of my journey which has its beginnings in the 1960s in Germany.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Photo Activities

At first I established a Flickr account and uploaded some digital photos into Flickr.

I then looked for and found a photo I liked, downloaded it onto my computer before posting it to my blog. It is entitled
'Redoubt... before the eruption'

I uploaded 'Harbour in the Morning', which I took at the end of last year on a morning stroll in Port Douglas, from my computer into Picnik. I cropped it slightly and then reduced the size from 3648 by 2736 pixels to 500 by 389 pixels, or from 5.37 MB to 118 KB. This is a huge reduction, obviously at the expense of quality; however, the great advantage is that it can be uploaded much quicker. I then saved it to my computer and posted it to my blog.

'Harbour in the Morning'

Photos are another wonderful tool for teacher and student use alike. Children can obtain photos from Flickr or use their own or anyone's (with permission) photos. They can then easily reduce the pixels and embed them into their blogs or wikis or use them to make conventional assignments more attractive.

There is a great photo, which I took last year during the dust storm, in my wiki (please find URL in 'Blogs, Wikis and Vokis', posted 04.04.10). This picture takes a little while to download as I haven't reduced the pixels (at that time I didn't know, yet, how to do this); however, this picture is worth waiting for.

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous photo of the harbour -it looks just like a painting.
